السبت، سبتمبر 3

Livestock Expert / Veterinarian/Agricultural Economist - FAO

10:31 ص - السبت، سبتمبر 3
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is looking for a candidate for the position of
Livestock Expert / Veterinarian/Agricultural Economist

Under the project “Emergency support to vulnerable herders through improved preparedness and response capacity to natural and man-made shocks and strengthening food security coordination” funded by Canada, FAO plans to improve access to market for herder households in southern West Bank by supporting the establishment of a new to the community livestock market in Al Thahriyah, Hebron Governorate. The livestock market will directly serve around 2 000 herders in the area.
General description of tasks and objectives to be achieved
The main purpose of the market is to:
  • provide a point of sale for herders’ main products (lambs and adult sheep(
  • provide the opportunity for herders to sell value-added products such as cheese and yogurt;
  • reduce the risk of animal disease transmission: due to the regular presence of veterinarians at the new market, animal diseases will be controlled and herders will be able to have greater confidence in the quality and health of the animals that they want to purchase and on which their livelihoods depend.
  • support herders by stabilizing prices and the supply of animals through:
    • allowing only healthy animals to enter the market and quarantining the sick or suspect animals.
    • report regularly to the veterinary department about sick animals or any suspected diseases.

The livestock market will be operated by the municipality of Al Thahriyah, with the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) – Veterinary Services department. This will be the first livestock market established in Palestine with such a design and infrastructure. The planned additional support under this project will further improve the facilities of the market and hence expand its usability so that herders and their associations will be able to market their value added products. The improvements include structural upgrades such as the establishment of a livestock product trading space, fodder storage space and a veterinary service center as well as the development of a facility management manual.

The development of the facility management manual requires the hiring of a consultant to undertake a participatory approach engaging the municipality, Ministry of Agriculture and other related governmental institutions, herders,consumer representatives and other stakeholders. Under the overall supervision of the Head of Office, the direct supervision of the Head of Programme and in close consultation with the FAO livestock and veterinary experts, the consultant will perform the following tasks:
  • Carry out a desk review of current available laws and regulations as well as available secondary information (academic studies, previous country reports, etc.) pertaining to livestock markets in the West Bank and improving herder access to markets.
  • Conduct key informant interviews and consultations with related stakeholders to develop an understanding of roles and responsibilities within the livestock market system.
  • Conduct an assessment of existing capacities of actors who will be managing the market (Al Thahriyah municipality, MoA Veterinary Services department and others(
  • Lead and facilitate a consultative process to develop the facility management manual focusing on the following factors:
    • Health: in particular trans-boundary animal disease control laws and policies (local and international)
    • Environmental: in particular addressing the environmental requirements for the livestock market
    • Management: livestock market management structure, management tree, financial management, human resource requirement.
    • Market sustainability
  • Prepare and carry out a brief presentation of the manual to the FAO project staff and project stakeholders, accommodate comments and inputs,and finalize the manual accordingly in both Arabic and English.

Expected Outputs
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
  1. Draft facility management manual, in Arabic and in English, submitted to FAO for review
  2. Presentation of the manual to the FAO project staff and project stakeholders
  3. Final facility management manuals submitted

Qualification requirements
  • Education: Advanced university degree in livestock, veterinary science, public health, business administration, or related fields
  • Work experience: At least 5 years in market management systems with in-depth knowledge of international animal health standards. Preferably with previous experience in working within the specific context of the Near East North Africa (NENA) region.
  • Good analytical and reporting skills.
  • Excellent oral and written English and Arabic language skills.
  • Relevant computer skills.

How to apply
Interested applicants are requested to send the following documents in WORD or PDF via email to: fao-wbgs-recruitment@fao.org
  1. a CV;
  2. a letter of motivation that explains how your skills and experience match with the required tasks;
  3. a brief description of the main contents of the facility management manual and the proposed methodology to be followed for its formulation (max 1 500 words(
  4. a table capturing the proposed time line for the work.

Deadline for application: 15 September 2016
Applications received after midnight on the closing date will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

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